JUDICIAL INTERPRETATION OF WORDS, PHRASES AND LEGAL MAXIMS IN NIGERIA is a compendium of selected judicial and statutory definitions gathered under relevant subject headings in alphabetical order. This commanding, excellently researched publication is the ultimate compilation of judicial interpretations on Nigerian law based on the authority of cases of superior courts taken from historical and recent Nigeria-decided cases up to 2021, as well as primary and subsidiary legislation from federal and state laws. Some of the key areas of law covered include: criminals, contracts, business and company, property (both intellectual and real estate), legal procedure (civil and criminal), and litigation, among others.
Included in the book is an index of the words and phrases and the case law and statutes referred to throughout the publication for ease of reference.
Ifeanyi E. Ilukwe obtained his graduate law degree from the University of Nigeria. He was called to the Nigerian bar to practice law and obtained his master’s degree in law from Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile Ife, also in Nigeria. He is also a chartered fellow in management consultantcy from the Chartered Institute of Management consultants in the United States of America. Ifeanyi is currently the managing partner of Ilukwe & Co. Barristers & Solicitors. He has diverse multicultural and international legal experience.